Use the power of video content to wow your audience.
Enhance your digital marketing strategy and achieve outstanding results by harnessing the power of our videography service. Atelier ATTN offer a reputable videography service based in Vietnam which deliver exceptional quality video content from conception to completion. Our talented and experienced in-house production team will work closely with you to produce, storyboard, direct and expertly edit your video to deliver a truly captivating and engaging visual experience that will leave your audience in awe – every single time.
At Atelier ATTN, we specialize in delivering top-quality videography service for projects of all scales and genres. With our own state-of-the-art cameras, lighting, modifiers, gimbals/stabilizers, and pro audio equipment, we can handle every aspect of video production, from inception to post-production. Our team comprises a group of passionate writers, producers, directors, and cinematographers with a wealth of experience and expertise to ensure that your vision is expertly brought to life. We are committed to delivering the highest level of professionalism to every project we undertake, irrespective of the size or scope, with a focus on delivering results that exceed your expectations.
Every business has a unique story that sets it apart from the rest. Showcase your company's identity by providing your customers with an exclusive peek behind the scenes through a brand video that captures your best practices, mission statement, and overall persona. Connect with your audience and deliver your message in a compelling way that resonates with them.
A satisfied customer's testimonial speaks volumes about your business. Let the power of word-of-mouth marketing work to your advantage by featuring glowing reviews from your customers. This is the most effective conversion tool that you can utilize to gain the trust of potential clients.
In today's world, where engagement is the key to success, make your product stand out from the crowd with a well-crafted video that highlights its unique features and functionality. A video is worth a thousand pictures, and seeing your product in action leaves a lasting impression in the minds of your customers.
End the year on a high note! Your company has had a lot of growth and success. Now share the good news with your employees, shareholders, and social media followers. We’ll include charts, graphs, motion titles, and supporting footage. Brag a little!
Promote your new product or running a special by creating a video campaign that spreads the word easily and effectively. Whether it's a click funnel or landing page, or a Facebook advertisement, we can help you bring your audience to you or go where your audience is.
Animation is a powerful teaching tool that simplifies complex concepts and makes them easy to understand. Contact Atelier today to create a fun and quirky animation that will convey your message in a visually appealing and compelling way.
Establish yourself as a leader in your industry and set yourself apart from the competition by creating a quality video that showcases your unique service offerings and company values. Communicate your message effectively to prospective and current clients and gain their trust through your words and visuals.
Do you wish you had someone to film your last company gathering, videography service project, or event? We’ve got you covered. Share a fun or powerful video with your employees and social media followers that they will cherish forever.
With a new Website and strategy to reach its potential clients we help Bas Bos Logostics to generate the leads that help the gow.
CETEQ uses our full service marketing services, the entrepereur focusses on growing his business and we make sure that they do it in style whislt they receive qualified leads.
With a new branding, a website and a strategy we have helped Cuc Phuong to find its audience.
We generate foot traffic in the store and online for riske design & wonen with a new website and social media content.
We helped Balance Hospitality in creating a strategy to penetrate the Vietnamese Hospitality market.
The pre-production phase is critical for ensuring a smooth and efficient shoot. We prioritize careful planning and preparation before any video shoot to ensure a detailed schedule and a clear understanding of the necessary footage to capture, ultimately resulting in a consistent, easy, and cost-effective production.
Lights, camera, action! Our team of skilled cinematographers are equipped to capture the highest quality footage for your media project, whether we're shooting on-location, in the studio, or out in the street. The director will oversee the production process, ensuring that you get the most value for your time and investment.
Editing is where the real magic happens. With state-of-the-art software and talented editors, your footage will be transformed into a stunning work of art. Our comprehensive post-production services include motion graphics, titles, 2D & 3D animation, voiceover, visual effects, music, sound design, and color grading. We pride ourselves on bringing your vision to life.
We offer delivery of the final video in any format you require. Our in-house team can export to any file format and upload to popular video hosting services like YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. We can also embed the video directly into your own website, making it easily accessible to your audience.
No. 28A, Tran Hung Dao Street
Hoan Kiem District,
Hanoi, Vietnam
No. 08, Str. 66, ,
Thao Dien Ward,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
1 455 14049 Miami,
FL 33126
Office F7, Localizer Mall, Thahlia Street, Olaya, Riyadh 11391, KSA
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